Mironda’s Blog

case against perfectionism

The Case Against Perfectionism

Worst or best. First or last. Winner or loser. That’s it, right? You’re either one or the other, and if you can’t be the best right away, then why waste time struggling to make progress?

Thankfully, I know you know I’m exaggerating to make a point. But it’s still a valid point. In our “be the best” culture, it’s easy to get frustrated when superior achievement is elusive. But I think we often turn that into an excuse to quit something too early, like working out or eating right.

  • It’s SO EASY to say, “Well, forget it, then. I can’t be great at this, and I hate to be terrible at anything – so I’ll just drop it altogether!” Sound familiar?

    Look, it’s great to pursue excellence and to have high standards. But not when it results in this kind of all-or-nothing binary. How about if we just all agree to do our best today and not worry about how we rate on the grander scale?

    No first, no last – but everybody wins. The most important thing is that you just keep moving forward.

stay active this summer

A RANT…(with love)

I’m going to be brutally honest with you today, and I want you to know that this comes from a place of love. So, let’s dive in…

You know how it’s a common fact that everyone flocks to health + fitness in January only to abandon it by February? Well, there’s more to it than that. Let me tell you the thought process I have seen as a professional in the health and fitness industry for the past 19 years…

It’s summertime. Kids are out of school. Things are SO CRAZY that it’s too hard to commit to a new program.

It’s autumn. Kids go back to school. There’s so much to organize and sports and routine, etc…

It’s the holiday season – the CRAZIEST time of year (in addition to summer and autumn).

  • There’s no way anyone can possibly commit during the holidays! It’s just too busy and the food is too tempting. Plus, my family and friends really need my attention. And then, of course, I’ll need a few weeks after the holidays to get my ducks in a row.

    Ever been there? Chances are the answer is “YES” if you’ve ever jumped on and off the commitment wagon. And I feel REALLY compelled to call it out because this is such flawed thinking. It’s a story we tell ourselves that we end up believing. It makes it easier to put off taking care of our bodies and buy into our own excuses.

    But what if your story changed? What if your story became something more along the lines of “My fitness and my goals are of the utmost importance to me, so I will create time for them 365 days a year.”

    Because the truth is, we ALWAYS find time for the things that are truly important. When we say we “don’t have time,” we are simply saying “it’s just not a priority.”And that’s my rant.

    According to the faulty logic I described above, there are really only about 3 months a year that aren’t “crazy” and where it’s “convenient” to focus on taking care of you…unless, of course, other circumstances pop up, as they always do.

    Here’s the thing…Your body and your health aren’t a sometimes project. We put off the things we know we need to do until something happens – an injury, disease, or just finding ourselves deeply unhappy with the body we’ve created.

    Instead of preventative care (preventing injuries, getting stronger) and maintenance for our health, we wait for things to get so bad we’re forced to finally do something. That’s the state of many people who have believed the story about “too busy” and “seasons” and “the perfect time.”Please KNOW that this message, though a bit harsh of a reality check, is coming to you with love. I truly want to look you in the eyes, give you a warm hug, and let you know that I believe in you.

    I know that you are a performance minded person if you’re reading this. You love training for races and pushing your limits. You also know that adding in the things that you have been neglecting will make you a better athlete, improve your performance and prevent injuries saving you time and money in the long run.

    So, if you’re ready to write a new story for yourself, let me take you by the hand and show you the way…