Personal Coaching

I was very hesitant about this 6 day workout but I LOVE IT. I feel really, really good, I'm seeing some new muscles, and I love the short duration. It's also great b/c I'm getting movement in every day and that helps keep me more flexible.”

Courtney Jarecki

My Approach

As an active athlete over 50 years old, I understand the unique challenges female athletes face from both the outside world and the world inside your head. Many priorities compete for time in our lives, including work, family, bills, grocery shopping, caregiving, and everything in between. It’s these very reasons that make it critical to ensure that no matter what kind of activities you do to stay active, you’re doing them in ways that keep you from sustaining injuries and add longevity to your sport, not more stress.

It’s also important to know what my definition of “athlete” is. I see athletes in many ways, from the person who runs the occasional 5k to the person who's chasing a personal record in their next marathon. I know firsthand what it's like to be sidelined to an injury and feeling a loss of identity as I was rehabbing that injury.

There's a better way and I will show you how. There is opportunity in these moments, an opportunity to reclaim that space and time and make it all your own by filling your cup with the things you love to do.

  • It’s about having an adventurous mind and a body that keeps up with your imagination. To me, if you are focusing on your health, seeking adventures in the world, and just getting out there to walk or ride a bike consistently, you are an athlete. The same goes for those who love to compete and do so regularly. The bottom line is that you want your body to stay healthy and strong so that you can show up for yourself and your loved ones the way you desire.


Working with Me

The way I work is through one of my programs that helps you lose the weight you want, build the strength you need, and gain the confidence you never knew you had, all without calorie counting or spending hours in the gym. There are 3 key components involved in my process:

  1. Doing the right exercises at the right intensity that works with your physiology so you get the results you desire

  2. Using the correct recovery strategies that allow your body to adapt

  3. Managing your mind: the right mindset keeps you from sabotaging yourself and helps you become the strong and confident person you want to be


My job is to make sure that you have the tools you need to be successful in your chosen activities, whether it’s running, biking, swimming in the lake, or hiking with friends, or finishing a specific athletic event in the time you want.

Let’s work together and help you reach your goals. Contact me to schedule a consultation.

My Programs

Move Better, Perform Better, Train Pain-Free

For years, women have been put into the same paradigm as men when it comes to athletics training. However, growing research is showing that we adapt to training when we work with our physiology not against it, and this changes as we age.

As an active athlete over 50 years old who faces the same challenges, my job is to encourage you at a pace that pushes you to succeed without injury. I teach how to care for your body so you stay pain and injury-free, and I show you what foods will feed your body the right way. Ready to take care of what you need, want to be the cool granny taking on fun adventures…?

What are you dreaming about? Where do you see yourself being active? Working together, we can make these dreams come true.


Here are the programs I currently offer:

  • 5 Day Reset

  • 21 Day Program

  • 12 Week Metabolism, Muscles, and Mindset

Wondering which program is the best fit for you?
Contact me to schedule a consultation.

“Starting with the 21-day program gave me the accountability and support I desperately needed to get back on track. I really enjoyed the program and especially looked forward to the different habits we learned and worked on continuously as well as coach Mironda's home workouts she sent to us athletes in the program. I learned a lot about myself regarding my eating habits and how to better them. Although I didn't lose all the weight I had hoped for I came close and feel very good with the weight and inches I did lose, but more importantly the knowledge I gained from coach Mironda will last a lifetime and will help me as I move forward on my own living a healthy lifestyle.”

Kathy Gagnon, Former Pro Cyclocross competitor